Kenneth N. Klee, UCLA School of Law
Douglas G. Baird, The University of Chicago Law School
Daniel J. Bussel, UCLA School of Law
Zack A. Clement, Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P
Patrick Darby, Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
Kenneth N. Klee, UCLA School of Law
Marc A. Levinson, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
9:00am -- Welcome Remarks and Introduction of Moderator and Panelists
9:05am -- 10:35 -- Session 1, Moderated by Mr. Klee
Setting the Landscape -- Introduction of Themes and Players -- Mr. Klee
Pre-filing Issues, Eligibility and Alternative Forms of Relief -- Mr. Clement
Administrative Issues: Automatic Stay; Treatment of Special Revenue Bonds; Property of the Estate; ยง552 -- Mr. Darby
Labor, Pension, and Retiree Benefits Issues -- Mr. Levinson
10:35am -- 11:00am -- Break
11:00am -- 12:30pm -- Session 2, Moderated by Mr. Klee
Plan Confirmation -- Mr. Baird
Effect of Confirmation -- Mr. Bussel
Implications for Municipal Finance -- Panelists
12:30pm -- 1:30pm -- Lunch