This is a meetup for all UCLA students interested in participating in the 2017-2018 competition for the Lowell Milken Institute-Sandler Prize for New Entrepreneurs.
Please join us to hear a panel of entrepreneurs discuss the challenges they face in creating and developing their businesses. Following the presentation, the Lowell Milken Institute will host a reception in the Law School's Shapiro Courtyard. In addition to interesting speakers, this is an opportunity to form teams with students from other schools at UCLA to compete for the $70,000 first prize!
Eva Ho – General Partner, FIKA Ventures – funding enterprise, B2B, software and platform-based ventures.
Mark Gellar – Founder and COO, Happy Returns – making e-commerce more attractive by enabling consumers to return purchases with less hassle.
Judd Schoenholtz – Founder and CEO, Open Listings – disrupting traditional residential real estate markets by eliminating real estate agents.
Presentation - Room 1457
Reception – Shapiro Courtyard
This event is sponsored by Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law and Policy and UCLA School of Law. It is a private event, open to all UCLA students. For questions, please email
Please RSVP.