Presented by the Center for Global Management and Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law and Policy.
The Future of the European Integration project and the future of the Euro is, once again, one of the major global risks factors for 2017. British Prime Minister Teresa May has promised to formally initiate Brexit sometime in March. The first round of the French Presidential election will be held on April 23 and the German general elections must be held before October 22. Italy is in its usual turmoil, aggravated by the failed referendum and the stepping down of Prime Minister Renzi, and Spain has a fragmented parliament, a minority government, and the threat of Catalonian independence. Portugal might need another bailout and the Greek pile of debt remains as unsustainable as it ever was. Will the European project and the Euro make it through this year? What will it take to keep Europe together? What might happen if it comes apart? Professors Javier Díaz-Giménez and Sebastian Edwards addressed these questions and provided insights and perspectives on the future of Europe and what 2017 holds for the continent post Brexit.
A video of the event is available:
This invitation-only event was open to Anderson and UCLA School of Law students. Please email lowellmilkeninstitute@law.ucla.edu for more information.