The Global Business and Policy Forum is a joint venture with UCLA Anderson School’s Center for Global Management. Cybersecurity is critical for modern businesses which face threats from cybercrime, cyberespionage and even cyberwar between countries. At the same time, cybersecurity has caused customers, employees and third parties to reconsider conceptions and expectations of privacy. UCLA School of Law Professor Kristen Eichensehr, an expert on cybersecurity, will discuss many of the important legal, business and social issues that inform the conversations in the halls of government and business boardrooms on cybersecurity. Following her presentation, the students will have dinner and discuss questions that we present following Professor Eichensehr’s talk. One of the purposes of this Forum is to provide law students with opportunities to network with business students.
This is a private event open to UCLA School of Law and UCLA Anderson students. RSVP information will be posted soon. For more information, contact lowellmilkeninstitute@law.ucla.edu.