Co-sponsored by NYU School of Law and UCLA School of Law
UCLA School of Law, Los Angeles, California
Conference Schedule
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9:00 am – 9:15 am: Welcome and Introductory Remarks
9:15 am – 10:45 am: Taxation and Health Care Reform: History, Politics and Comparative Perspective – Webcast of Session
Ted Marmor, Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Management and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Yale School of Management
Tax Expenditure in Health Care: Issues, Controversies, Expectations (with Okma)
Kieke Okma, Adjunct Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, Wagner School of Public Service, New York University
Tax Expenditure in Health Care: Issues, Controversies, Expectations (with Marmor)
Mark A. Peterson, Professor of Public Policy and Political Science, Department of Public Policy, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
The Ideological and Partisan Polarization of Health Care Reform and Tax Policy
Panel Organizer: Eric Zolt, Michael H. Schill Distinguished Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
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11:00 am – 12:30 pm: In the Weeds: Using the Tax Code to Reform Health Care - Webcast of Session
David Gamage, Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley School of Law
The Affordable Care Act’s Effective Taxes on Low- and Moderate-Income Workers
Amy Monahan, Associate Professor and Opperman Research Fellow, University of Minnesota Law School
Why Tax High-Cost Employer Health Plans?
Larry Zelenak, Pamela B. Gann Professor of Law, Duke Law School
Choosing Between Tax and Non-Tax Delivery Mechanisms
Panel Organizer: Deborah Schenk, Marilynn and Ronald Grossman Professor of Law, NYU Law School
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1:30 pm – 3:00 pm: Health Care Reform and the Future of U.S. Fiscal Federalism - Webcast of Session
Brian Galle, Assistant Professor, Boston College Law School
The Implications of Health Care Reform for U.S. Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations: A Preliminary Assessment
Shanna Rose, Assistant Professor, Wagner School of Public Service, New York University
Health Reform as Policy Feedback: Medicaid’s Pivotal Role in the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Plan and the Affordable Care Act
Alan Weil, Executive Director, National Academy for State Health Policy
Why Don’t States Love the Fiscal Terms of the Affordable Care Act?
Panel Organizer: Kirk Stark, Vice Dean and Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
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3:15 pm – 4:45 pm: Health Care Reform and the Long-Term Fiscal Outlook - Webcast of Session
Howard Gleckman, Resident Fellow, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center
Health Care and Long-Term Fiscal Outlook
Daniel Kessler, Professor, Law School and Graduate School of Business, and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Reforming Medicare
Mark Pauly, Bendheim Professor, Professor of Health Care Management, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
The Real Burden of Tax Financed Medical Care in the United States
Panel Organizer: Daniel Shaviro, Wayne Perry Professor of Taxation, NYU Law School
This conference was made possible in part by the generous support of
the Lowell Milken Institute for Business Law & Policy at UCLA School of Law.